I am so excited to present your child's fine art school portrait gallery to you. I strive to take authentic pictures of your children and capture their true personality.
I have moved the galleries to one space now. CLICK HERE: Spring Photos 2021 In the upper right corner, there is a search area (by the magnification glass). Once you type in your child’s name, or click through and find their photo, you will click on their gallery. You will be asked to type in your email and PASSWORD (That is given to the school in the email sent out).
THE PRINT AND DIGITAL SHOP HAS CHANGED. This makes it more streamlined and easy for everyone. When you are in your child’s gallery, look to the right. It will read print store. Click on that and it will navigate you through all of the print and package choices, along with the option to purchase digital files. ALSO, if you order digitals, they will immediately be emailed to you after purchase. If you order PRINTS, they will now be filled and mailed directly to your home by a high quality lab. Secure checkout…. This provides convenience, privacy, and shorter turn around time for everyone. Winner.
BONUS: I am giving your child’s digital class photo for FREE with your order. Look for the class photos in the gallery. They are all in one this time. You just type in your email and the same password given.
THE DEADLINE TO ORDER IS APRIL 4’th. All galleries will be taken down after that date. If you need more time, please contact me. I am happy to work with you. :)
Any questions or concerns you'd like personally addressed may be sent to Amy Madson at amymadsonphoto@gmail.com.
Text works well for me as well. 360-929-9857
Please note: Please do not screen shot images and share them on social media, unless you are using digital images that you have paid for and downloaded. The watermark will be removed from all digital downloads and all printed images.
I do my best to try and keep hair in place, and look for anything out of the ordinary on the face. If you are ordering prints or digitals and you see something on your child that you would like taken off or fixed, please contact me. I’m happy to do that.
Please read the important disclaimer at the bottom of this post.
Thanks so much!
IMPORTANT NOTE: These images are captured in a short period of time with your child. Due to the scheduling arranged with the school, I have about 4 minutes with each student. I do my best to capture a variety of expressions and conjure authenticity from your son or daughter during this time. Some children are naturally more comfortable than others when it comes to photographs. Each child's gallery has multiple proof options. I do not believe in forcing a child to "perform" just for the sake of capturing "the shot" - but rather I do my best to work with your child, make them comfortable, and enjoy the short minute or two we have. Please understand that all images are shot with the goal of being "real" - who they are in that moment. The options included in the gallery of your son or daughter were the best shots I had on file, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them! ALSO, DEPENDING ON THE ORDER, I AM HAPPY TO TAKE OUT ANY MAJOR HAIR FLYAWAYS, STUFF ON FACE…..though we do our best to wipe and help with hair. Thank you for your understanding and support!